Keys to building a successful corporate wellbeing strategy
Corporate wellbeing programmes come in all shapes and sizes, and for good reason. Each organisation needs a unique, tailored approach that fits the interests and needs of its people. But if you look closely, all successful wellbeing programmes have a few key things in common, including:
A focus on holistic health
Addressing the full spectrum of wellbeing, including physical and mental health, financial wellness, and strong communities.
A forward thinking approach
Being at the forefront of the industry, employing the latest technologies and evidence-based strategies for creating healthier habits.
Utilisation of data and analytics
Making use of data at hand to keep employee engagement levels high and measuring the impact on health, wellbeing, and productivity. Plus ensuring that only necessary data is gathered, and that the platform being used upholds the highest security standards – think GDPR, APEC CBPR compliance and ISO/IEC 27001 certification.
Support of key stakeholders and leadership
Starting with a strong business case for wellbeing, backed by data, senior leadership buy-in, and the involvement of key stakeholders throughout the organisation. This is followed by a strong multi-channel communication strategy promoting health and wellbeing initiatives within the organisation and encouraging everyone to get on board.
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